What is the DELCO Experiment? #DELCOExperiment
What is the DELCO Experiment?
Spirit box / Estes Method / Ganzfeld experiment
Mike & The War Party Paranormal Team, Have been in the process of testing a new take on the Estes Method to possibly speak with Spirits with surprising results. First step to understand the experiment you we need to understand the theories behind each part of the DELCO Experiment.
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The First DELCO Experiment was conducted on February 5th 2022 by The @warpartyparanormal Team, by Mike and Joe Turino. With Joe as the subject, in the Riddle House Attic, The Riddle House located in Yesteryear Village West Palm Beach Florida, was made famous via Ghost Adventures in 2008 and was the last team to enter the attic until War Party Paranormal was granted access In Feb 2022.
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