Michelle Reuss Hosted by Paranormal Brew
Michelle Reuss
World-Renowned Psychic and Trance Medium, Psychometry, Para-Counselor, Ordained Minister, Demonologist/Exorcist, Channeling, Spiritual Healer, Remote Viewing Clairvoyance, Astral Projection, Parapsychology Dream Interpretation, Psychic Advisor, Riverside Iowa Paranormal Founder, Owner Thriller Events and Co-Founder of Daughters of Hecate.
Michelle has spent multiple years in the Paranormal Field as a paranormal investigator and researcher. She has continued her studies and is credited with multiple degrees including: a Doctor of Metaphysics Degree, a Doctor of Divinity Degree, and a degree in Spiritual Warfare and Paranormal Ministry. While studying at the Universal Life Church Seminary, Michelle studied: Counseling and Para Counseling, Atheism and Agnostics, and Religion-Ancient African practices to modern take on religion. Michelle has also studied the effects of satanic abuse deriving from cult activity.
Michelle holds the distinction of being the first woman listed on the Worldwide Society of Exorcists and studied at the Universal Church Ministry.
As the founder of Riverside Iowa Paranormal, Michelle uses her abilities to assist on paranormal cases, both locally and across the globe. She has been called in to assist on dark cases where the worst types of energy/sprits have been present.
Michelle, through remote viewing, also uses her abilities to assist with missing persons cases worldwide.
Michelle is an avid believer in practicing safe paranormal techniques and grounding. She shares her knowledge and experiences with fellow paranormal researchers across the world. She also helps children with psychic abilities through teaching and counseling.
Michelle also mentors fellow mediums as they start and continue on their journeys, not only with how to work with their abilities, but the importance of how to protect themselves from psychic attacks.
She is also a psychic medium, offering private psychic readings and spiritual healings/cleansings. Michelle practices Psychometry with objects, photos, and places. She has a broad knowledge of herbs and oils, making special protection/spiritual blends to aid clients. Another service Michelle offers is the removal and storage of haunted items in a secured and blessed location.
Michelle is also the owner of Thriller Events, a ticketing platform for paranormal, metaphysical, and other worldly events.
Michelle is one of the hosts of Into the Dark with Riverside Iowa Paranormal, which tractions several thousands of views each episode.