Hi all I’m new here put have been
In to 5he paranormal
My whole life I have had and still
Have paranormal experiences
They Started at the ripe age of 8 yes old as pretty much as anybody who experiences Spirits and hauntings I am a Paranormal Investigator but What I do is study the evidence like Evps Pictures and Videos I look for 5he usual and…Read More2 Comments
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About Me

Tim Coats
Paranormal evidence Investigator
I am into the usually unusual have had plenty paranormal experiences all through my life, I investigate the evidence like Evps, Spirits caught on camera pictures and videos. I am the Father of 11 Fur babies and live in Oklahoma..


Natalie Jones

Bryan-jon Laverty

Green Country Paranormal

Bump in the Night Society
Public Group

Ghostly Gateway Paranormal Investigations
Public Group

Old Shadows Paranormal Investigation Group
Public Group