Comparing Captured Anomalies
Here are 2 separate events I believe are anomalies, both of which happened within a minute of letting my dogs in.
I included the weather conditions at the time of the event to show the unlikely hood of it being an insect. The reason for that is the temperature. Insects don’t fly under 45* and it was 28.4* on the evening of the 1st clip & 32* on the 2nd.
I also left the 2nd clip longer to show the dust/debris that was flying around and how different it appears from the anomaly in question.
What I found most interesting in the 2nd clip was, the anomaly in question, seems to get bigger, as it floats away, not the norm with regards to how bugs appear on camera here.
As always, I stitched together the original and enhancements with text.
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