Brandon Massullo clinical therapist, author, and parapsychologist- Hosted by Paranormal Brew
Brandon Massullo is a clinical therapist, author, and parapsychologist residing in Northeast Ohio. He has graduate degrees in clinical counseling from the University of Toledo and psychological research methods with a specialization in Parapsychology from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, UK. Brandon studied within the Koestler Parapsychology Unit at the University of Edinburgh and his research centered on environmental sensitivity and ghostly encounters.
He has been fascinated by paranormal phenomena for 20 years and has been a participant and featured speaker in numerous paranormal forums and events, including Coast to Coast AM and the Parapsychological Association’s 60th Anniversary Celebration. Brandon’s research has been published in academic journals including Frontiers of Psychology, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, and the Journal of the Society of Psychical Research. His first book The Ghost Studies: New Perspectives on the Origins of Paranormal Experiences combines the thrill of reading real-life ghostly encounters and the satisfaction of new perspectives and insights into the cause of these thrilling encounters. Please visit Brandon’s blog Haunted Theories for more research into ghosts, apparitions, and all things paranormal