Abandoned Church (Trailer)
Tonight PARAFlixx paranormal+ brings you an all NEW episodes! ALL XCLUSIVES!
7/6c Huntaphobia “Abandoned Church”
8/7c Paranormal In The Funhouse “Grand Midway Hotel Part 1”
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PARAFlixx the streaming paranormal+— The new era of paranormal television is truly here. This Is Your PARAFlixx.
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PARAFlixx APP & subscription website brings you content in one place dedicated to the paranormal and so much more! A universal platform truly never seen before.
PARAFlixx the streaming paranormal+ will be streaming content of ALL types including music videos, paranormal+ school, premiere global events and #PARAPlays! Here at PARAFlixx we stand for infinite possibility.
Our passion unites us.
“PARAFlixx Is My ParaFix.” -Sonny, A.S.K. Paranormal
“Our fans Are Not Just Our Subscribers. Our Fans Are Our Family.” -Natalie Jones, President & CEO PARAFlixx, Inc.
Branding Intro Created By PARAFlixx, Inc., Executive Producer, Mike Hatcher
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